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Assessment Center (AC)Airbus

EADS Progress Assessment Center

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hey, did any of you get selected for the next stage and selected the mobility to "only nationally"? I was rejected today and sent my application just two days ago. I would have expected to get at least a bit further and am wondering now about the reasons :0

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I guess mobility ought to be "international"..

That's the way it is at EADS PROGRESS, sorry for your rejection. Maybe next time..

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Anybody applied / got selected with less than 12 months of International experience ?

Lounge Gast schrieb:

Has anybody here who applied for the Strategy/Marketing unit,
passed the phone interview and got the invitation to the
selection-event so far? I am still waiting for the contact
from EADS.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

have you already passed the online tests. please let us in on how it looked like and what the questions were. and congrats on your progress

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

In my case I have studied my bachelor's in Spain, Masters in France and worked for 4 months in Germany, and asked for international mobility, and I passed to the next step

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hi there,
does anyone have an idea of an even rugh time schedule for the application-process and the programme in general? I'm writing my diploma thesis right now and hoping for no critical overlaps :)

Thanks and good luck to all!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

You should consider at least 5 months from now (the last steps of the selection are usually taking place around june - july).

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hello ,

I was wondering, when will we receive the test date for the online assessment, I was informed that I passed to the next stage but no further information.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Me neither. I am still waiting for further information about the Online Assessment. Who knows more about it?

Is it also with logical test (such as GMAT)?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

During the application-progress, there are 2 options to commit a cover/motivation letter - once as a short text, an online formular and secondly as an attachment.

Waht did you insert where? Im not sure in what content this texts should differ....

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I used the same cover letter for both section. There's nothing to worry.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I used same. A pdf version and a copy paste into the text box. Got accepted to take the OA, which is why I am reading this page. Want to figure out what the OA is all about :)

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hi all

I applied for Communications in mid-December and have not got any respond yet. Only two emails stating that my application is under process, etc. I truly hope to get more information latest by next week. Good luck everyone!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Well, the deadline for sending the applications is on Thursday, so I guess from that moment we will get some more news about the next step.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I received last friday an email where they told that I have been selected and wich are the next steps, but I didn't receive any yet. Do you know if we have to wait for a time?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I received the e mail last friday where says I have been selected. Do you know witch is the mail title of the OA invitation? I have some mails in Spam.

Lounge Gast schrieb:

Hallo allerseits,

Ist jemand von euch zufällig derzeit im AC-Prozess von EADS
und kann ein wenig erzÄhlen wie es war?

Ich hatte heute mein Telefon-Interview, haben mir gesagt ich
krieg erst Ende März Bescheid, war das bei euch auch so ?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I have a question about this program. I have been selected for the OA and I was wondering where this programm would take me at the end.

My wish is to work in Asia, is it possible to be based there after the selection process? Or is it only for Europe countries?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Application sent in ! Good luck to everyone.

For some reason, I couldn't access the application portal under Firefox when completing my profile. Tried out under Chrome, and it's now submitted.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

got my rejection letter today. What about you guys? Did they mention any reasons?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Now answer yet - when did you send your application?

Lounge Gast schrieb:

got my rejection letter today. What about you guys? Did they
mention any reasons?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hi everybody.

Has anybody already received the OA invitation? Cheers

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

You did not get any answer yet? when did you apply?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I have received that one where I was selected and the next step, but the further information about the OA not yet

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I have received an email today to infom me about the next steps..

Let's see..

But I really need details about the OA test. Is it with mathematics?

I hate mathematics :/

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

which division did you apply for? what test center does eads use? has anyone got a clue on how to practise for this?
I applied for the Business dev. track

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Got the invitation for the online assessment today. Also Business Development stream.

Anyone can give some information on the test?


WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hey!) I just received a link for pre-assesment tests! Does anybody know what kind of task to expect in reasoning section? I wish everyone good luck!!!!!!))

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I also got the e-mail with the test link yesterday. Got luck to everybody with it!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hey did anyone already passed the online pre assessment and if yes could provide information about the kind of tests to be done? Thanks in advance

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Did somebody already passed the test? I'd like to know what is comprised of?

Is it starting with the personality test? What about the logical test?


WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Just the usual stuff. logical tests, some maths using symbols, table and chart interpretations, and of course, behavioural questions, which pop out every now and then..

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center


i passed the online test yesterday; the logical test it quite hard !!!!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Is the math test similar to the shl test?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

hey congradulations to those who passed the online test!!! how much time did it took for the test to complete!! which field did u apply to and what were the questions?
thanks in advance

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

What kind of test was that ? numerical ? reasoning ? logical ?

So cool to hear from so many applicants to the program here !

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

It takes like one hour and a half, and in my case - applied for Engineering position - the questions were mainly like an IQ test

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

"I passed the online test yesterday. The logical test is quite hard"

When you say you passed the test, you mean you completed it or do you mean you already got an email saying you cleared the cut off?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I mean i completed it; sorry.

The test is divided between personality test (PT), logical test (LT) and numerical test (NT), like that : PT - LT - PT - NT - PS - LT - PT

Logical and numerical test are quite hard because you don't have a lot of time...

good luck

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Just finished the test... Felt not doing well in the second half :(
Missed some questions and for sure made some mistakes...
Good luck to others!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Just finished the test... Felt not doing well in the second half :(
Missed some questions and for sure made some mistakes...
Good luck to others!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Could you please tell me what all rounds were there? I need to write mine in two days.


Appreciate it

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

The test was very hard.. But it is now over.

I believe I've done my best. Don't know what best it was though.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Same here... Good luck to others!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Just finsihed the test, I guess we will receive the results somewhen next week.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hi all,

I can see that this homepage is pretty popular and I guess far more people visit this site than would actually leave a comment or two. The test was online test was pretty interesting and not too hard. The problem and limiting factor was the time, which is probably intended. Do some free online IQ tests as preparation and watch the time.

Please do share your opinions and experiences here, as everyone can learn from them.


WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hello All,

I just finished the test and I had 3 parts. Does anyone have an idea of how these are graded? Does 70% ean that you were better than 70% of test takers, or would this be your actual score. Going further, is anyone sure about the average score one needs to obtain fro the first ain parts in orer to pass? Scrolling back into last years comments, soeone speaks of an 50-60-70 average. Any insights? Good luck for the rest of you

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

The numbers are given in percentage. If you have e.g. 70 in one categorie it means you were better than 70% of the other participants.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

You can already see your grade? I didn't see my grade...

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I didn't get my grade either. I thought the test was ok, except the last logic part that I found to be pretty hard.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

It seems the test differ for the various streams. I had more than 3 parts but cancelled it while doing the 4th part. For me it was very tough and kind of ridiculous tests...

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

no one has passed the test so far. Results will be out, starting from tomorrow. the discussion on the 70% average, is based on previouse discussions (see discussions of 2012)
are you sure that 70% means that you are better than 70% of all test takers? where can i get that information from?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Guys just read the text, nobody said that they already had the results.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Thats what the participants from last year wrote, the results apparently come with an explanation.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Seems like some people got already the results for the test, but without comments / news from EADS.
As they are performed by an external, I guess they submit the results to the applicant and EADS at the same time?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Results have been sent a few mins ago :)

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Does everybody receive the results? I still didn't receive it...

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

For those who already got the results, on what day did you do the test?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

No, I still didn't receive too...

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I passed the OA the saturday 16th, and had my results this midday. (Just Kienbaum's ones...)

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hm did mine last week but still have no results

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

May I ask what all your results are? Are you content?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

For those who have their results already, I am curious, what do they say. R u satisfied with them? Would be lovely if you share some of you feedback :D... I wondering if you agree with the personality test...

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I got a 91, 88, 57 score within the first 3 sections. I have to admit the test shows quite well my personality (specially after reading the explanations carefully). I only was a bit surprise of getting only a 35% in costumer orientation.Overall, I don't know if it will be enough to reach the next phase. Good luck to everyone!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I wanted to ask if anyone had received any confirmation by email from Kienbaum after having completed the online test ? Just to make sure that the data has been saved correctly etc ...

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I applied for Manufacturing and got a 91,89,57 score within the technical related sections. I was a bit surprised of getting a 35% in customer mentality, but after reading carefully the explanations I have to admit that the test in general shows quite what I think about myself.
I wonder if it will be enough to reach to the next phase...

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hello all,

For me:
Problem-solving capacity - standard (100)
Diagram analysis (98)
Reasoning (98)
Leadership motivation (reserved vs. dominant) (42)
Active pursuit of innovation (13)
Outgoing nature (27)
Team orientation (40)
Customer service mentality (78)
Propensity for conflict (45)
Willingness to learn (73)

My feeling is it fits not too badly, except for the innovation which I definitely pursue actively :)

In addition there is comments for each score, giving some explanation for the behaviour (like can work within team but still comfortable to handle job on its own, etc.).

Good luck to everyone!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Well then let's make a start

I haven't received an email yet but login into the kienbaum site gave me the results 80 60 85 and above average ratings in the PT.

Well, let's see how things go shall we? ;)

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

When you get your results from the above mentioned websited, the status changes to retrieved, won't that confuse EADS employees?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

My first 3 results are all over 60 and two over 80. I hope that is enough for the next step.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

In my case I got
Diagram anaisys 45
Reasoning 94
Solving Problem capacity 79
Let's see :S

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

To the guys with


How did you prepare? I've never done such a test before and especially the math/logic bit and the diagrams were totally unknown to me and thus I ran out of time in both sections.
So maybe you were told WHAT to prepare for, then HOW did you manage to prepare for this?


WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Just got my results1 My first three results are all above 90. Good luck to us :)

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

In my case I'm surprised I got a percentile of 12 in Team Orientation, while I've always been pro team-working.
I think this results - the ones regarding the social/personal skills - may be lower than expected to some of us because instead of giving extreme answers we tried to keep it real, by answering using maybe 25-40% / 60-80% instead of 0-20% or 80-100%

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

There are tons of books about these kind of tests out there with which you can prepare for. Its not a big secret.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

When you do such tests more often, you will see you improve easily.

I have done a few of this tests already for other companies, and they are somehow similare (and if Kienbaum is the provider, you even realise you know some of the graphs :D). Actually in my opinion the EADS test was one of the easier once - but maybe just because I do not like verbal tests.

You can find some pages in the internet where you can prepare for such tests. A good one is for example SHL.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I answered the personal test rather in extrems, so my results are very high almost to high I feel ...

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hi here are my results :

Problem-solving capacity - standard (91)
Diagram analysis (61)
Reasoning (96)
Leadership motivation (72)
Active pursuit of innovation (45)
Outgoing nature (82)
Team orientation (5)
Customer service mentality (63)
Propensity for conflict (16)
Willingness to learn (96)

What do you think?

I don't know if I must be surprised about the team orientation results

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

How do you understand the Propensity for conflict perectage? If you have a high score does that mean that you are more likely to egt into conflicts and if you have less percentage than not? I'm confused.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

The way I see it, Customer Service Mentality and Propensity for Conflict are the two items where a higher score isn't necessarily better.
A high score in CSM would mean that you would bend over backwards to meet a customer's requirements at the expense of other duties and priorities. A higher score in PfC would mean that you would be willing to pick a fight with someone and cause problems within the team just to prove a point or to settle a personal conflict.
Just my opinion though. Don't know what you guys think.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I don't think that a high percentage is customer mentality is negativ at all. The description says:
Customer service mentality describes the importance accorded to the needs of customers and partners,
and to solving their individual problems. People with high scores on this scale are not just intent on exactly
understanding a customer?s concerns, but they also enjoy providing the service that best corresponds to
those concerns. To that end, they are also willing to let their personal needs take a backseat. This ability
also makes it easier for them to deal with difficult partners, and helps increase customer satisfaction.
People with low scores on this scale, on the other hand, tend not to put customers? concerns so obviously

If you have 75 or high it says that:
Based on your responses on the test, you have an above-average inclination to respond to the needs of
others and to commit yourself to solving their problems. Accordingly, you consider it particularly important
to understand and meet the expectations of your customers. You feel especially gratified if you can provide
the best possible solution to others? requests.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

You're probably right. Thanks for clearing that up !

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Does anybody know what the telephone interview looks like? What kind of questions are going to be asked?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I think you can have a look at the discussion of previous years.
Got the invitation of phone interview just now. Good luck to all!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Me too.. I got the phone interview. Is it a step forward? Or just the normal process after the completion of the OA?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Definetly a step forward, only if you have passed the test you are invited for the phone interview

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Those who already got their e-mail for the phone interview, could you please tell us to which branch of the PROGRESS did you apply? And what were your results? Thanks

Lounge Gast schrieb:

i received a rejection today as well. honestly tho, im not
surprised i have. as mentioned earlier, my report was totally

i, for one, wont apply to the program again. i dont fear
competition nor the OA, but i dont see the value to these
tests other than for EADS to be able to narrow down the
choice. i do understand that they receive a huge amount of
applications. but these standardized tests are nothing but
standardized. and thats just not the way i work hehehe.

i agree with others who said this test wasnt clear at times.
however, that was not so much a problem. there is always room
for interpretation. to me it was more problematic that they
wanted me to enter percentages to values and characteristics
to determine 'my fit'. i dont think this kind of
test is applicable at all. obviously, one could think in one
preferable direction and answer the questions accordingly
although its not true (e.g. teamwork vs. individual work).

my results in the first three categories were: 49, 14, 89
overall, my lowest result was in team orientation with 11.
my highest was in customer service mentality with 92.

i dont think i did particularly bad in the test. but
obviously there were others who read the diagrams better and
have a higher team & leadership aspiration ;-).

again. congrats to those who passed the OA.
hope youll make it through and get the traineeship!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Engineering, my first three scores were 100, 100, 80, the rest were very mixed

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I applied for the Strategy/Marketing and have a phone interview

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Got the rejection today, despite good results (100, 100, 100 for the first three parts).
Good luck to all.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

mabe 3x100 seems a bit suspicious

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Lounge Gast schrieb:

Got the rejection today, despite good results (100, 100, 100
for the first three parts).
Good luck to all.

Would you please share with us the rest of your results and what did you apply for ?! Sounds bizarre !!!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

This seems a bit strange :)

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

We almost all have focused mainly on the first three sections. Perhaps the personality scores are way more important than we assumed...

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

or the cv and pracitical experience didn't quite fit

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hello mates,

It seems that everyone who reached the telephone interview stage already can be quite happy.

I am rarely asking for advice; however this time I am kind of nervous as there is no information in which language this interview will be. Are there questions in German, French or another language (except English/native language?) Is anyone of you, who already did it, willing to share experience concerning this point ? I would be very grateful.

Maybe you had in the past a benefit of something I or someone else posted at this very helpful board, that?s why I hope I will receive some feedback on my question :). Thx!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hey everyone, I got my rejection letter yesterday. My scores were (49) (61) and (69) for the first three. I'm pretty sure my scores were not good enough, however this was the first time I have taken such a test and found it to be very difficult, not to mention strange.

I'll start practicing lot more aptitude tests now, and I'll definitely be re-applying for Progress next year!

If anyone knows of some good sites to practice these sort of tests, or prepare for them in any way, please let us know!

Good luck to those who made the cut!

P.S. to the person who posted above me, I would assume the interview would be in the language in which you applied for the program.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

shl has a few free ones, assessmentday.co.uk is also a good website

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

It will be in English, that's for sure. Or at least be prepared for it.

Kienbaum is a german company so maybe you'll have the chance to have somebody speaking German, but I highly doubt that you'll be able to do the interview in French, Italian or Spanish (unfortunately :) ).

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Practice this kind of test really helps a lot. You find some good information for instance here: http://www.ed.ac.uk/schools-departments/careers/using-careers-service/cvs-apps-interviews/tests/practice-tests

UK universities seem to prepare their students better for this procedure than universities from other countries. Search at Google a little bit and you will find a lot of advices from the career pages of UK universities.

One good recommendation of this webpage is http://www.shldirect.com/practice_tests.html

I hope this will help you for next year.

Concerning your answer about the language of the interview: Did not everyone have to apply in English? I think questions in other languages are possible - but are they very likely?


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Gruppenarbeit: Ein Tisch an dem Personen sitzen und an ihren Computern arbeiten.

Als Leitfaden behalte ich im Auge, mich einfach spontan und authentisch zu verhalten. In diesem Punkt schienen sich immer alle Ratgeber einig zu sein.

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