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Assessment Center (AC)Airbus

EADS Progress Assessment Center

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

May I know what is the likely success rate? That is ,how many candidates are invited for one position?
Also, what happens during the group exercises? is it like a group discussion about a topic or problem?

Thank you! =)

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Telefoninterview

As soon as I heard, they are not telling results the same day, or I am wrong?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Telefoninterview

How many people participated in total in AC?


Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Has anyone accepted an invitation for Supply Chain and Manufacturing group?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center


Can you please share your assesement center experience !! Thank You.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Is there still hope for people who have not been invited to AC jet?

I heared that the whole selection process will continue till end of July.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

There is at least one more AC next week close to Franz Josef Strauss International Airport.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

concerning the AC: we had to solve a case study about a company having problems in China. Social elements, financial, political and matters of reputation. Two excercises were in groups of 4-6 people, one among 2-3 people. Groups were observed by line managers of the respective job proposal as well as someone from HR. Futhermore, we had to fill-in self-assessment forms connected to EADS corporate values (to which degree our personnality matches these values, etc.), dinner with people from EADS and interviews with the line manager and the HR manager.

Lounge Gast schrieb:

has somebody got already feedback for the managers evaluation?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

concerning the AC: groups of 4-6 people are solving a case study which is closely connected to EADS activities. In my case it was a business in China which encountered difficulties politically, financially and socially. Two tasks are being solved with the entire group, one with 2-3 participants out of this group.
Furthermore, there is a dinner with EADS staff (where they obviously try to get to know candidates in an informal setting) and a self-assessment form connected to EADS values to be filled in.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Did somebody received a invitation for Back Up Selection Process?

Thank you


Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

how was the Final interview with Line Manager & HR Manager ? what kinda questions they asked ?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

bald geht es wieder los!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I am planning to apply for this program the next year since i am not yet done with studies. Can anyone mention the parts of the web-based test and give more details of what is asked in the telephone interview?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hey guys!
Has anyone been contacted yet by EADS for an online assessment for the 2011 programme?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

No, I have not been yet, applied middle of Jan.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I haven't been contacted either

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I have a online assessment for late Feb! Congrats to the rest of you that were selected as well!Thanks!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Last year by this time people already had phone interviews.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Yes, that's right. I had last year this time a phone interview and it was successful. My application was (I hope so) sent to the line manager, but I was not selected for AC.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Did you apply this year again?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I don't understand how you passed the phone interview but were not selected for AC!
That means that you can pass the tests and phone interview but don't be offered a job position later!? ç

By the way, I have not recieved any e-mail so far regarding on-line assessment...

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I already passes online assessment and phone interview and have been invited to an AC (7th April)!
EADS Rocks!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

When did you apply?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

And which field?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Passing online assessment and phone interview does not mean, that you will be invited to AC. The line managers undertakes one more selction. Only 2-3 people per position to the final selection- the AC.

I did not apply this year because I already have a good job:-)

Best regards

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hi all,

I just sent my application yesterday - right on time :-). I received a confirmation letter today that they will consider my application and contact me.

Did anyone else received their AC dates like the Lounge Gast from 11.02. (for what function was is actually???). EADS has fixed AC dates for the several functions as the people of last year said. By when does EADS publish the exact AC dates for the functions?

I would like to book a longtime overseas trip and need to align the booking with their selection days.

Thanks for the answer!

Lounge Gast schrieb:

I already passes online assessment and phone interview and
have been invited to an AC (7th April)!
EADS Rocks!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

The deadline for applications just passed out on 14.02.11. i doubt any one might have been contacted regarding the online assesment and telephone interview. however it would be great if someone updates the status on this forum, if they rescieve any form of communication.

Last year i had gone through to the assesment final of a similar defence conglomorate called finmeccanica in rome. i doubt the assesment centre would be much different from theirs. First introduction to teams, group assesment, role play and topped up with individual interview. however, we might need to be careful of HR who have no clue on technicality and make judgements on the behavioral skills. Also depends upon their cultural sensitivity.

I hope for best to all applicants.

best regards

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I received an email today that I've been preselected and will be contacted by a consultant in the next weeks regarding the online pre-assessment and the phone interview (latest in April). The 1.5 Day Selection Event (AC) will take place between May and early July.
Good luck to all of you!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Me 2. Good luck to everyone. It seems this year's selection process is quite different from last year. Any idea about this year's online-test. I failed last year. I hope I can pass this year.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

got the same thing, hence i doubt that there is an AC on April 7th.
Good luck everyone!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Same news for me

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I just received an email today. I wonder if people that went through the process last year could give some info about the online pre-assessment as well as the phone interview. BTW, I applied for "Engineering: Design, Development, Integration, Test and Validation".

Jose D. Valdivia


Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hey Guys,

I have also received an email regarding the online pre-assessment test from EADS PROGRESS. Could please tell me what I could expect in the test? I would be really grateful if someone helps me in that. Thanks for your time. Good luck for all the candidates who have selected for the next step!


WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I got the same email as well. I'm just wondering where exactly the AC is gonna take place. I'm from a non-EU country. I'll probably need a visa to go there if I'm lucky enough to go through to that stage.


WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Yes, mee too today! Same mail, same content.
Anybody there who applied for an HR function?
Good luck to all of you!

WiWi Gast

EADS Online and Phone Assessment

Hey Guys,

the online and phone assessment are coming up for me and I would like to be able to prepare myself a little. How is it structured? What do they ask? What do we need to do? What would you recommend for preparation?

Thank you very much for your help!



WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I believe that the online test is from cut-e. I've read that EADS has signed a ?200,000 contract with them. Check out the website: http://www.cut-e.com/
Fingers crossed!!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Has anybody received the acceptance for 'Strategy,Marketing,Sales,Business Dvpment,Commercial,Communication'?

Thank you.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

guys want to know ,for online test they given you exact date and timing or just a link ?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Yes, I received an acceptance for PROGRESS Strategy, Marketing etc... on Monday. I haven't received an exact date or link for the online test yet. I'm waiting for the consultant to call me...

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

a link and deadline

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center


I am through to the second round of
'Strategy,Marketing,Sales,Business Dvpment,Commercial,Communication'
Manufacturing Engineering & Manufacturing Management

Lounge Gast schrieb:

Hallo allerseits,

Ist jemand von euch zufällig derzeit im AC-Prozess von EADS
und kann ein wenig erzÄhlen wie es war?

Ich hatte heute mein Telefon-Interview, haben mir gesagt ich
krieg erst Ende März Bescheid, war das bei euch auch so ?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

This time is not from cut-e. Hummmm... Should start preparation from the very beginning~~~

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Yeah, I just realized that as well. Does somebody know something about the new test? Or maybe where we can practice it/ how we can prepare for it? Many thanks for any advice...

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I am really curious what are the online questions?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I was invited for the online AC for the position as 'Strategy,Marketing,Sales,Business Dvpment,Commercial,Communication' Trainee...
Does anyone know exactly what to expect in this test?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Anybody knows whether a rejection is given by an email? Sometimes companies don't even answer to tell you about a rejection. Is this the case?
I am still waiting for a response.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Just received the link for the test and have no idea about the questions... If someone already made, can he give some infos?? Thanks a lot

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I just took the online test. Its mainly behavioral with a sprinkling of logic/ reasoning questions (pretty much looking at symbols to find some kind of pattern and filling out the missing links), as well as data interpretation (look at this or that graph and click the appropriate answer). I would say it was 80% behavioral questions, and 20% logic and reasoning questions.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Very helpful input. Thanks for sharing°°° Will do it tomorrow. Good luck 2 everyone

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I also took the test and agree that it's mostly behavioral questions which you can not prepare. It took me almost 3 hours to complete the test and it's just available in English.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center


I just finished the online assessment. The whole page broke down yesterday so the deadline was extended to Februar 4th 1pm.

There were a lot of behavourial questions. I think it was a kind of Myer Briggs type indicator test.

The logical and analytical test were ok, only the one where you see symbols and need to figure out the numbers for one symbol was quite difficult but it were only 8 tasks if I remember right.

Good luck to all of you!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

same thing, I've taken the test, then will see what will happen.. no idea actually!
Viel Glück!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

does anybody already have a positive/negative response concerning the test results if we made it to the next round?
Just got my test results on Thursday but they said the final answer will come seperately!
Didn't know that the deadline was the 4th finally...

Fingers crossed for our answers!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I also got an analysis of my test but the result was strange as it said that I was often smthg close to 0 (3-4 of100) even though I have never answered below 15...

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

same thing here. very strange what their analysis made from my anserws and it feels very good to hear that other ppl have to deal with the same issue. so I'm not alone :-)

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Yes indeed; the test results are very strange!
Did you have as well so many connection problems with the site? I know that it wasn't my internet connection...

Has somebody already received an invitation to the telephone interview?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I have received the feedback from the online test as well and think that the results match my profile (besides 2 categories).
To Lounge Gast 07.03.2011: The test compares your answers with the answers of the other people that took the test. When you have a 4 out of 100, that means that 96% of the people who took the test have a higher score in this category (they voted higher than 15).

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

This is the answer I got concerning the problem about the results:

Thank you for your participation to the PROGRESS online assessment. Your e-mail was forwarded to us by the online test provider. To ensure a fair selection process, participants can only perform the test once and we will consider the results recorded then. Of course, we made sure that the online assessment was properly working.

Given the high number of applications, we regret that we are unable to provide any further details on individual test results other than the report provided by the test provider.

We will inform you shortly about the next steps of the recruitment process.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hey Guys I havent received an invitation yet for the Online assessment. Did all of you receive a phone call or were you invited via email?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

no, so far nothing. I guess it just takes time because of the amount of applicants.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

The invitation for the online test was via email.
Has anyone of you received an invitation for an interview yet?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hey guys,
same for me (germany). the results seemed a bit strange. i received the results email on march 4th, havent heard anything since.
i know its a long process, but still.. there should be some feedback (even if negative) after more than 3 weeks..

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

hi guys,

last year I successfully passed the online test and the telephone interview. I got an email with congratulatios about passing the pre-selection and got a postion offering which I accepted. After that my application was passed to the line manager and after 4 more weeks I got a rejection. I just want to say you, dont lean on this selection process, I hink, you really need a big luck to get a postion at the end. Passing the pre-selection does not mean that you will be invitd to the AC. Good Luck

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hello Everyone,

I applied for EADS PROGRESS in 2008. I reached the final stage (assessment centre) but did not get selected. I have applied again this year (last attempt) and I have completed my online test(received results, awaiting EADS response). I assume my experience could be of some help to the anxious lot I see in this blog. I was not happy with my online test results because it did not make sense. To my understanding, the test provides the results in percentiles. This means the results of everyone taking the test must be available to calculate the percentile. In 2008, the online test results were made available after the telephone interview which could very well mean that the percentile scores were correct. This year, I received my result the next day so it could not be percentile based on the entire group who took test. My scores in reasoning etc were high but my behaviorial skills results were mixed and not what I expected or not what my behaviour is usually. In my experience the online test results do not always get very high weightage. For instance, my friend with a percentile of 5 got the job. CV of candidates who the HR organization thinks to be suitable is sent to the managers. The managers would then shortlist the people who would be invited to the assessment/selection centre. However, this year (from the online results email) I find that the people selected for the telephone interview are the ones shortlisted by managers.

Regarding response time, in my experience it is largely dependent on who in HR is working for PROGRESS. Some HR personnel are very quick to respond to your queries (sometimes within half a day). progress@eads.net always takes atleast 3-4 working days to reply, I have experienced not getting a response too. The selection centre interviews for support functions are usually in April and the interview for engineering roles take place from May onwards.

In 2008, the selection centre interview had two stages. First day it was group activities. Second day was the personal interview with the manager who is interested in your profile. The group activity comprises of reading through a business case (30 mins or so) highlighting some challenges etc. Then you are sent to a hall as a group and asked to discuss among yourselves to clearly outline the challenges. During this period, several managers would be observing you including the one who is interested in you. Based on a talk I had with a HR person, I understand that the objective for them is to determine your capability to work in a group and not if you can come up with solutions for the business case. After this large group event is over, you are sent to another room with probably another 1 or 2 candidates who are also shortlisted for the same job as you are. Here you have another set of questions relating to the business case and you are to discuss on creating a solution. At this time, only the manager who is inerested in you and the other shortlisted candidates is present. I am not sure what he is looking out for. But my guess is your reasoning ability etc. After this, you would again be sent to the big group event and you will be asked to discuss your solutions and present them. All the managers interested in the candidates of the big group will be present. In short, the best way to succeed in this level is to be active in the group.

The second day is the personal interview and your fit to the position on a technical and personal level is. I believe this is where I lost out because I did not speak French and my manager did not understand/speak English very well.

Unfortunately, luck plays a larger role in your selection (A fact that a EADS HR person admitted). I wish you all good luck.

Lounge Gast schrieb:

Hallo allerseits,

Ist jemand von euch zufällig derzeit im AC-Prozess von EADS
und kann ein wenig erzÃ?hlen wie es war?

Ich hatte heute mein Telefon-Interview, haben mir gesagt ich
krieg erst Ende März Bescheid, war das bei euch auch so ?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Well I was successfull last year in the applicaition process (now Progress Trainee) and I just can confirm nearly everything that has been said in the post before.
Just what you here everytime simply is through: important is being a good teamplayer, not playing a role but being who you really are and most important LUCK :) I was invited in two consecutive years for the AC and both times just because another participant couldn't or make it or took back his application...

All the best and perhaps see some of you in some point in the future (I also read this forum before my application)...

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hey guys! Has anyone applied for EADS PROJECT Ground Segment System Engineer? Last week they invited me to the AC (5th April), then I had the on-line test. Now, suddenly, the position is not available anymore. What could be happened?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I got a negative answer today....didnt pass the online AC

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I also got a negative answer. It was a quite generic email with a "do not reply to this email" statement at the end. It would useful to understand if it was because of the online test results of because they didn't match the CV with any available profile. Does anyone has a clue?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I got a positive answer today after the online assessment - means that they will forward my profile to the responsible managers, and they will select candidates for the phone interview.

Good luck.. hope most of you made it through to this step.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Me too, also didn't pass the test. Quite dissapointing. Good luck to everyone for the further application process...

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hi..congrats that you are already a progress trainee. Can you please tell about your experience as a Progress Trainee? are you liking it? if one does not know french or German, can they manage in the role?..if selected I mean, I understand i need luck :(

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Got a positive answer..

Does anyone know what the salary is?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

The salary can vary according to the positions, locations and years of work experience.
However, it is certainly an attractive salary for graduates and young professionals. More information will be provided during contract negotiations.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hi guys, has anyone received the phone call interview?

Lounge Gast schrieb:

Hallo allerseits,

Ist jemand von euch zufällig derzeit im AC-Prozess von EADS
und kann ein wenig erzÄhlen wie es war?

Ich hatte heute mein Telefon-Interview, haben mir gesagt ich
krieg erst Ende März Bescheid, war das bei euch auch so ?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hello all, has anyone applied for HR positions and heard back regarding telephone interview yet???

Lounge Gast schrieb:

Hallo allerseits,

Ist jemand von euch zufällig derzeit im AC-Prozess von EADS
und kann ein wenig erzÄhlen wie es war?

Ich hatte heute mein Telefon-Interview, haben mir gesagt ich
krieg erst Ende März Bescheid, war das bei euch auch so ?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Telefoninterview

Has anyone got the call for Assesment centre? (May 26 and May 27)

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I had my phone interview on Apr 26. Anyone else had the phone interview?
I was told that the results will be known in the beginning of this week! Anyone has heard anything?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I have got the invite for 26th and 27th! But the job requires English and intermediate German and I dont speak any Germany!
Anyways, I will be happy to share with more people who have got the invites. See you soon! :)

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hi there..congratulations and good luck for your selection days..which position are you offered?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Telefoninterview

Its in Eurofighter (Finance and accounting division)

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Does anyone else have news yet?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Any news for IT?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

is the first position offered for 1 year or 2 years?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

They have change the programme schedule this year, so it's going to be around 2 years for the first position and then a stable position elsewhere, aiming at least a department change (including or not division and/or country change). Anyone for Munich on 7-8?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I will be there on 26&27th May.
And I heard there is another sesison on 23/34 May.
Anyone there at that time?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hi, I will be there as well on May 26th and 27th! Let me know who else will be there.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

For the 26th and 27th assessment centre, I am arriving in Munich on 25th night. Would be happy to meet anyone whoes there!
Arpit Mittal

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I had my assessment centre on 26/27 May.
Still awating the final answer from EADS, should be this week.

Anyone from 26/27 May group who has got the final answer? Or others who have got final answer for admit in Progress?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hello all, anyone applied for HR and was invited for assessment centre in Toulouse or Munich?

WiWi Gast

Applications PROGRESS Programme 2012

I already apply for the PROGRESS Program starting September 2012!
Anyone else waiting for an answer?
Keep in touch!

WiWi Gast

Re: Applications PROGRESS Programme 2012

I applied too; let's see how it goes.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Did anyone get any answer so far?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I've received an invitation for an online test today... to be completed by next week. Test is made by www.eligo.de ... anybody an idea on what to expect?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Today I received the email for the Online Assessment Center! Good luck everyone! :)

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

got my invitation to the online assessment center today...

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I did! I got an invitation to the online tests. Anyone else?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Got response and need to take Online Test by 29th Feb...
any one who attempted the test already??????

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I got today the invitation to the Online Assesment Center!
Good luch everyone!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hello all,
I applied for the following area : "Engineering: Design, Development, Integration, Test & Validation".
I just received the link for the test. I don't know what to expect because the test may have change since the last session. Any clues ?



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Gruppenarbeit: Ein Tisch an dem Personen sitzen und an ihren Computern arbeiten.

Als Leitfaden behalte ich im Auge, mich einfach spontan und authentisch zu verhalten. In diesem Punkt schienen sich immer alle Ratgeber einig zu sein.

Erfahrungsbericht Assessment Center 3: Tag der Entscheidung II

Gruppenarbeit: Ein Tisch an dem Personen sitzen und an ihren Computern arbeiten.

Als Leitfaden behalte ich im Auge, mich einfach spontan und authentisch zu verhalten. In diesem Punkt schienen sich immer alle Ratgeber einig zu sein.

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AIRBUS Gehälter Tarif?

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Hallo zusammen, habe passende Stellen in Hamburg und bei ADS in BW gefunden. Mit welcher Eingruppierung bzw. mit welchem Gehalt ...

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