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Assessment Center (AC)Airbus

EADS Progress Assessment Center


Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

All communication (written, phone interview, assessment center) will be in English only. You definitely should prepare the phone interview, as there might be some "hard" questions (e.g. "Describe a situation where you found an innovative solution to a difficult problem") And always have an example at hand...


WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Did anybody already have their phone interview?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

79, 92, 94, phone interview on 8th of March

Good luck to all of you who passed so far!!!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Just had the phone interview, it is not that bad. Mostly questions about your cv and experiences.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Is "not that bad" the kind expression for "it sucks" ;-)?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

:D No I just wanted to say that it wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

This goes to the guys from EADS/Kienbaum, who most certainly watch these dialogues as well...

Having seen other assessment centers/methods meanwhile, that consist of an online part as well, I must say that the PROGRESS System is shallow. It seems that you guys willingly accept to be tricked upon by people knowing the right answers in advance etc. and making an application to the program a matter of sheer luck.
In the end it is EADS that will suffer from candidates that ain't necessarily the best, but the best prepared.

Good Luck

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

How could you possibly know the answers in advance? Why would even assume that?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I wondering - why you think so? With which method can you cheat at the online test of EADS which is not applicable for other online tests? I think already the psychological questions avoid that a friend is doing your test. So what else?
I guess the people of EADS/Kienbaum are aware that this possibilties exist and therefore they also consider your CV,...

Do you have practical improvement suggestions?

Actually preparing well isn't a bad attitude. However you should always keep in mind that an application also needs luck. Otherwise you can continue to complain about the people who get the job with connections and so on - life is not fair.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Why would you think that?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hi everybody,

I applied for finance program and passed the online test (79,92,89)
I have the phone interview on March, 15th

Could we have interview feed back ?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hi, anyone finished their phone interview can give some advise?

thanks a lot

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center


WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Does anybody know how long it takes to get the feedback after the phone interview?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

had phone interview today.

they said it takes up to one month for the results.

it's split into 3 parts, first general questions about eads - you should read about it, then about the aviation industry in general.

then problem solving questions for you when you have to give a lot of examples - such as hard situations you dealt with and how, what is your biggest achievement, what is your biggest innovation, what do you think are the biggest challenges for the future of eads/aviation/you.

the last part is the online assessment, when you have to give feedback and solution for three business cases, mostly team-management and project management oriented.

i cannot say more, but i can say good luck to you guys! its not easy, i suggest you be rested and think about your goals beforehand!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

My interview was a bit different, the first part about the company was similar, what do you know about the company, some business numbers, who is the ceo...
The third was also the same, but the second part was different. i had rather the classical interview: "tell us something about you/your cv, why did you choose this university or that internship, what are your strengths, weaknesses, what would you like to achieve in 5/10 years...
I applied for the marketing track, maybe the interviews differ according to the track?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I guess it is different - as my interview was also different to your two descriptions. The focus was definitely on your described "second part".

I just had the typical question about why I want to work for EADS and nothing from the aviation industry or the industry sectors itself. Would not really say that was are "part" - more an introduction part to the main interview.

Therefore I had to answer to quite a lot of this question "Tell me a time..." - that is also why I hardly remember what it was, but nothing too tricky. I just was wondering that it was nothing direct about my weaknesses and challanges - guess that is what they asked between the lines and I did not got it ;-).

This situation part was in my opinion a bit strange, as I did not got it why we had to read it online instead of the interviewer telling us the situation. Nothing difficult and I wonder how they evaluate it.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Well, one can back up the comment earlier " guys willingly accept to be tricked upon by people knowing the right answers in advance"

Just give it a second thought - after doing a couple of online assessments, I can now think of a way that people want me to be for a certain position and will answer accordingly. I made 100/100 here in leading skills on purpose, when applying for strategy, was no big deal although my guess might have been wrong and I could have answered just one of the questions "wrongly". Others might have done a better guess or pick at guessing their outcome or had a better book to prepare with.

Now combine this with other people's comments from further up: "I knew half of the questions already"

Although the need for a system to sort out applicants is valid, this system has some downsides and EADS will get a pretty high portion of cheaters among their staff. But then again, as one sugggested earlier, cheating needs some skill, preparation and brain as well. Right?

It's either EADS wants this or to spend more money, e.g. in conducting more interviews.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

What you are writing is nonesense. The parts that really mattered were the problem-solving capacity, the diagram analysis and the reasoning. Nobody could have known these questions before.
And if you are refering to the psychological questions: You could only have guessed what they might want to hear from you. So if you know customer service is really important for EADS (which is clearly stated on the webpage) you could have decided to answer accordingly. Anyway the psychological part was not really desicive for getting the phone interview as we have seen from all the different scores above. Which is not cheating by the way.
I think you are just offended because you failed and now try to pinpoint your failure on somebody else, the system, the test... etc. Just except that you didn't do well enough and move on. Nobodys fault but yours.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

If this is the only explanation that possibly suits your imagination, well then cheers.

Otherwise, read the boards/comments and remain objective.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I think the only one that is getting carried away with his imaginagtion is you. You should probably read the post again, there is no indication for your theories in them. Do you have other conspiracy theories for us?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Well, let's try to come back to the topic...

They just informed that the results of phone interview should be out "as from next week", then the profiles of the successful candidates will be submitted to hiring managers for review.
If selected, Assessment Centers from May 14th to June 11th (Munich or Toulouse).

Good luck to us

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Damn it, I'm out!

Results are out, so keep an eye on your mailbox... though I don't know if they send the results to everyone at the same time or not.


WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Anyone an idea about how many people will pass the telephone interview and how many people will be invited to the AC? Just to know if it is realistic to hope to get to the ACs...

Furthermore, how many people do you think applied in general and how many people will finall be chosen for progress? I did not find any figures about it.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hey during the interview the girl told me there were over 2000 applications and that they were interviewing around 400 people. I dont know if that means in total.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I received the email that saying I passed the telephone interview. Who know if it means I am selected to the AC, or still need to be selected by the manager?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Your profile will be given to the line managers of the position that fits the best.
They will decide if they want to invite you in the AC if they are interested in your application.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I passed too, but it doesn't mean that you are invited to the AC. They are going to try to see if your profil fits open positions and only then introduce your profil to the responsible manager. If the responsible manager thinks you are a good candidate you are invited to the AC. Usuall 3 people will be invited for 1 position.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I can't speak for this year, as I did not apply, but I applied last year and made it to the phone interview stage. This is the information I can provide from this year's cohort:

-over 9600 applicants
-roughly 360 phone interviews
-roughly 250 get to selection day
-maximum 115 get a spot (it was about 98 in the end, based on a guy I know who got in)

I decided not to apply this year, as it was the age that hurt my application last year (I was 20, finishing up my Mechanical Engineering Bachelors, applied for engineering development).

As a result, I decided to tack on a Masters in Management and 2 more internships and will be reapplying next year for either the Strategy or Engineering Development stream, haven't decided yet.
I'll be older then and had more internship experience, which will hopefully help my candidacy.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Thank you a lot about this good information. Really worrying to hear that nearly 1/3 of the people who passend the phone interview are not invited to the ACs ... :-/

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I don't believe that 1/3 of us won't go to the AC. If I understand well, 360 candidates had the telephone interview, but how many passed it well ?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hello everybody,

did someone else already received any further response from EADS?

I got an automatic generated Email saying "Log on to eRecruiting to view the feedback provided for each candidate."

The Link of the email unfortunatelly did not work. Anyway, I logged in to my application profil, but I could not find any further information. But I am curious about this feedback as I would love to know if this message a positive or negative one...

Can anybody provide some help?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Let's wait and see...

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Any news so far?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

not yet...

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

We just received another email saying that we will get a definitive answer from next week... God, this waiting seems endless.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Some have already got confirmations that they are being proposed to line managers.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Just proposed... the decision is from next week...

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Yes, nothing new yet. They're just playing with our nerves :)

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Any update from EADS for anybody?
In the last email they mentioned they will let us know the results as from this week. Nothing yet.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I received an invitation today, along with several other people.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Oh really? What positions for?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Congratulations. May I know which positions and what was the category you applied for?
Which date exactly is your AC?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Don't lose hope, I received my invitation 5 min ago !! Fingers crossed for all of you !

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Does anyone could give some examples or idea that what the AC is going be?

Many Thx

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Congrats to all. Nothing for me yet.

It would be appreciated if you could also let us know

  • which functional area (Eng., Manu., HR etc.) you applied;
  • which position(s) they offered to you;
  • the dates you are invited to be there.


WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

If you search for this group "EADS Progress 2013 Candidates" on LinkedIn, you can get a good idea on which areas have invited candidates already. Also on dates.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Thanks mate ;)
Many accepted. Some got the "waiting" email from the EADS, just like me!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hello all,

its nice to see that such a community exists.. i applied for progress 2013 too.. and been waiting ever since.. i received mails saying that my profile is forwarded to line managers.. i gave the telephone interview on the 28th feb..

i got a mail on friday saying that some positions have not been reviewed yet and be patient, any one else in the same boat ?? i applied for supply management and now i am worried that i am out of the game...

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center


I got an invitation for a Selection Day, which has to be confirmed by April 30th. I think its same for everyone - so still some time left and some managers may did not have sufficient time to make a proper preselection. Keep hope.


WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Anyone from the "Waiting emails" hear anything?

I'm begining to lose hope. :(

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

no hope...

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Is somebody still waiting for an answer?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Does anyone know what to expect at the assessment center? The best answer i could get was, "Team/Group activities that would test how you get along with the team and test your motivation"

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Has anybody had the AC already? How did it go?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center


WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

You'll get an individual feedback in the end. It is essential that you know the division that you are interviewing for, otherwise I don't think any prep is needed.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

All depends on your interview partner.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

What is the salary anyway?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

How long after the AC did you find out the outcome? What was the structure of the day? Any good/bad impressions?

Thanks a lot!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

At least when I was there, they didn't say anything about salaries...nor did I hear anything about when to expect results. I had my AC last week and haven't heard back from them ever since.
I personally thought that there was quite some room for improvement in terms of organization. The facility was not really ideal and the structure just weird, there were a bunch of HR people around but not particularly helping. At least in my case, I knew exactly who I was competing with for the position but the atmosphere among candidates was still friendly.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I personally think 1 day was too short to get a good impression of everyone. The exercises were short as was the interview. They didn't dig really deep.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Overall, I thought this AC got a fairly good organization. It was my first experience in a AC though, so I may lack in experience for stating this... But yes, I thought it was OK.

I read here that some people think that the interviews and exercices were not really deep. This is true, but you must remember that there were many steps before the AC thus HR already knew a lot about us.

About the salary, they mentioned a "comparatively good salary". Anyone can guess the exact wage is very clever... I don't expect it to be super high but it should be fairly decent.

They said we would get the results of the selection by mid-June. Yes, the waiting is endless...

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Had anybody already received result of the AC ?

By the way, to our group they said that result will communicated within 10 working days.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Already got a rejection but no reason stated.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Anybody else got result of the AC ?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

for those who went to the ac can you tell us, what kind of exercise were conducted and what case study etc was given ?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center


WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Also still waiting. Anybody else any news?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

None whatsoever! If somebody got/gets the result of AC, please do share.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Did receive someone already the decision of the Selection Day?


WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

2-3 days after the AC

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hi Guys, I have an interview at Airbus Bremen for an engineering intern and it would be very helpfull if you could give me some hints concerning the questions. I would also be glad about other hints, such as clothing etc.


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Gruppenarbeit: Ein Tisch an dem Personen sitzen und an ihren Computern arbeiten.

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