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Assessment Center (AC)Airbus

EADS Progress Assessment Center

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I got an answer today, I must complete the online assessment before next Wed. 29 th. Feb. It is from a company called Kienbaum e-diagnostics.

All the best to you all.

WiWi Gast

Re: Applications PROGRESS Programme 2012

got invited to complete an on-line test (dead-line provided)

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Just received an answer few hours ago

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Does anyone know what these tests are about?

WiWi Gast

Re: Applications PROGRESS Programme 2012

Hi, I also received yesterday an invitation to complete the online- assessment test. Anybody has any idea of the test? How many questions are consisted of? Is there anyone who has already completed the test?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

It seems that all of us received the same email :)
Good luck for everyone !

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I also got the invitation yesterday... all the best!


Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hi everyone,
I also received the same email yesterday. Still nobody knows anything about the test?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hello y'all!
I have to do the online test, too...
Any advice for the test?



WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hi all,
I took the test this morning and it is made of logic questions (for example: finding a missing symbol in a sequence) and behavioral questions (do you like teamwork?). I do not think you can really prepare for such questions. As they say : "just be relaxed" !
All the best !


WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hello Clément,

Thank you very much for sharing this information with us. I appreciate it a lot!!!


WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hi all,

I got an online assessment that should be finished before 29 feb, according to my search I had read a blog saying there are numerical, verbal, logical reasoning test each section have different scoring marks in percentage. I think online assessment consists of SHL test. If any body had faced the exam before, their advice will be very much appreciated, I means a lot to we guys who are going to take test in future.

Thanks You

Abdul Shaik

Best of Luck guys

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

what kind of logical questions? only graphical analysis or plus quantitative or verbal questions? how much time or questions for each part?


Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Thanks Clément. I really appreciated.
Good luck and wish you best.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

are there any numerical questions or logical questions alone ? thank you friends

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hey Clément,

Were there any numerical and verbal reasoning test or just the logical reasoning questions? Can you explain the format in detail. Thank you.


Lounge Gast schrieb:

Hallo allerseits,

Ist jemand von euch zufällig derzeit im AC-Prozess von EADS
und kann ein wenig erzÄhlen wie es war?

Ich hatte heute mein Telefon-Interview, haben mir gesagt ich
krieg erst Ende März Bescheid, war das bei euch auch so ?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

based on experience, how much do you need to get in the online exam to get the phone interview?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hello, how long does it take to receive the onlinte test results? Does Eads sponsor your travel expenses to the Assessment center? (some friends say similar schemes from other places do so)

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

just took the test.. its pretty much standard. if you have taken online assessment tests before, then you know the drill.

the only difference to the previous online tests i've taken is that you will have to read and interpret statistics and graphs.
other than that you will find the usual 'complete the sequence', a math test where the numbers are substituted for geometrical shapes and the obligatory 'character test' that seems to be never-ending. all of the tests are timed but the character test.

each section of the test starts with an example you do to familiarize yourself with the structure. the language of the test (at least for me) was set to english.

overall the test is very much doable. basically you cant prepare much, unless you do want to do practice tests that are structures similar to the one you will encounter for eads.

in the invitation to the online test it said that results will be made available after the online assessment test period is over. since most of us have gotten the deadline of feb 29th, i would think we will get the results after that.
reading and thinking about what you've read helps to answer these kind of questions. all information necessary was provided in the email. ;-)

with regards to travel expenses: i would assume they will not reimburse you for any travel expenses. however, if you must know or if your participation in any assessment center depends on the reimbursement of your travel costs, it might be wise to ask them once you've reached this stage (e.g. have received an invitation to an assessment center). until then i wouldn't bother thinking about it, if i were you.

good luck to everyone who still has/ wants to take the test. there's no need to get nervous or freak out. as some have already mentioned, the most important thing you have to do is to stay RELAXED.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

about character tests, is it kind of open behavioural questions like: tell me about the time you... or personality test where you have to choose between several answers?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I can confirm they do reimburse your travel expenses. Two years ago I attended their AC in Munich. You get paid travel expenses from wherever you are based to Munich and back, plus the hotel stay for as many days as you stay in the AC (based on the offers you receive, two years ago some people had to spend a whole week there).

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hello Everybody,

Thanks for the comments to those who has taken the online test already. Did you have verbal test? you only mentioned numerical, logical, and behaviour type of test...no verbal
Thanks a lot to everybody who answers....
Good luck for you


WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I would also like to know if there is a verbal test, because it can be quit hard if it is not your mother tongue.


WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center


Did anyone received any feedback after the online assessment yet?


Lounge Gast schrieb:

Hallo allerseits,

Ist jemand von euch zufällig derzeit im AC-Prozess von EADS
und kann ein wenig erzÄhlen wie es war?

Ich hatte heute mein Telefon-Interview, haben mir gesagt ich
krieg erst Ende März Bescheid, war das bei euch auch so ?


Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I just made the test today and I would say the questions with analyzing by graphs were kind of tricky. Therefore; I recommend to read it well the questions who has not done the tests yet. The rest of the test is common online assessment test and enjoyable to solve.

Related to the feedback, I guess eveybody will receive after 29th of February.

Good luck everyone.
Hope to continue and meet you guys,


WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hi, I also gave my test couple of days ago, I didn't receive any any notification for completion of test either. Did anyone receive it?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hi all,

Just did an online assessment. First of all, thank you very much for tips! The best one and the right one is definitely BE RELAXED! Don't worry, it was no verbal reasoning, only logical (2 tests), numerical (or better to say to analyse the graph) and behaviour tests. Let's wait for results =)

Good luck to everyone who didn't do it yet!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

No there is no verbal test.
I think that we won't have any news before the deadline of the assessment.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center Assignments

Hey y'all,

I've too just completed the test.

I splits into two parts, with an analytical first part and a personality check in the second. Whilst the second part are just questions about yourself, it is indeed relaxing to complete the answers one by one.

The first part is timed per question and the questions are quite tricky, so I do recommend you to practice some of it in advance. First question is inductive thinking...it's the stuff with pictures where you have to fill in the blank. Second assignment is analyzing graphs. Half of the graphs are from economics, the other is rather from marketing. Nothing big, but have your calculator somewhere close as you may do some easy algebra. Third task was in fact quite challenging. It was about mathematical equations "coded" as geometric signs. Basically you can prepare for all of this and there is plenty of free info on the internet you can find, but in the end, I guess it either that you can do these type of assignments or not.

Good luck to everyone!!!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I did the test yesterday, the replacing digits as symbols thing.. I was just like .. the... hell?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hi all,
Thank you for all the tips! It really helps! I did the test on Sunday.
You were right, to do the test, you need to be relaxed.
Well, I was quite surprised by the digits replaced by symblos too! xD

I wish we could all meet one day!



WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Just recieved my Online Test Assesment. Its so detailed!! Hope everyone gets it soon! Good Luck!


WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

results are available

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I just received my online test result. Has everyone checked it? I got very high scores for the first 3 parts, but scored very low on the 7 personality tests. I don't know if it's good or not...

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I have just received an email with a link leading to my results... but the website is down !!!!!

Good luck everyone !

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I got an email from Kienbaum that the results are out, but the site seems to be down, might be overloaded. Anybody got their numbers yet? How did it go?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hi All,

Got the results for the online assessment today. As a first time test taker of this kind I did bad in diagrammatic and deductive reasoning. Don't know whether I will be invited for the telephone interview or not. Keeping my fingers crossed. Even if I get selected there are two more rounds to go.

Did any one get any news about the telephone interview yet. Between I wish you luck for the forthcoming interviews.


WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hi all,
I got the e-mail with the link to have the results. Someone of you know how much do you need to pass to the phone interview? Is there a threshold?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I've just received my results to day. The results are... quite interesting.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Got the results yet?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

hello guys and gals!

I took the test yesterday, and today I've received the feedback. I have read all the comments on this page, which were a bit helpful. Like some of the other guys from previous years, I was quite amazed at the ways in which they interpreted the test results, and was quite surprised that some of their findings were quite spot on, while others not so much (for example I've got quite a small percentile for the "innovation" part, which is quite strange, and I don't know from where they got that impression).

Overall it was quite a learning experience, and based on their feedback I'm not particularly thrilled that I'm gonna be successful, but who knows. Hope you guys had a better outcome that me, and good luck to you all.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hi All

I also got the results today. I got high percentiles in almost everything, except in the first category, problem solving capability, in which I got only 65%. This point worries me a bit, and also the fact that I got 85% in "propensity for conflict". I admit I am stubborn, but hey, I don't fight all the time hehehehe.

Now my fingers are crossed and i am waiting to see what they say about the phone interview.

Good luck to you all.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hello everyone,

Just keep in mind that the results are relative and not absolute. E.g. a low score in innovation doesn't mean that you are not "innovative", it means that most of the people who took the test are supposedly more "innovative" than you are.

Anyway, I wish the best of luck to all of you.


WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I think only the first 3 results can be considered as "good or bad", the rest are personality related and a low or high score is not necesarily good of bad. In the first three, I got 81,67, and 60, I wonder if its enough to get to the interview.....

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hi friends

Thank you for everyone, who posted their experiences and suggestion about the exam. It was really helpful to know what we were about to face in the assessment prior to the exam. I enjoyed the tenure of the exam and got 91,97 and 95 in first three modules. I will definitely post my future experiences to assist other applicants on this blog.

Thank you

Thank you every on

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I got 96 - 66 - 100 in the first three and then middle-high levels for all the others!! I hope it will be fine!!!
Does anyone know something about the phone interview? I don't know if it will be a technical interview or if it will be a motivational one!

I wish you all the best...hoping to see u soon!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

The analysis and the insight they provided was really interesting. I guess having high/low/average percentiles on some behavioral traits truly depends on the position one's applying for ; some profiles might not be relevant with some functions...

I am really curious to see to what extent they are also judging "honesty" because in such settings one's might give biased answers which would not necessarily always reflect is own behavior when facing a situation at work.

Does someone know if the phone interview concerns all the participants to the online assessment or only the ones who are selected to go further in the Progress selection process?


Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hi everybody,
I also received the results and when I was reading the details I impressed. Becasuse it some how really represents the personality. In my opinion, we can not say if it is good or bad. It depends on the position that you are going to work. But i guess; problem solving, reasoning, diagram analysis and leadership parts are important in terms of showing the analytical skills.

Can you give some information about the telephone interview, please? How is the style? Just about the CV background and personality questions? If somebody who already did previous years could tell us some feedback, I appreciate.

Thanks, and good luck to all.
Iyi sanslar, boa sorte


WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

No, the first 3 results are also relative, you can't predict the score...read the first and second paragraph of the assessment report

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hey there,

I m unhappy with my results, mainly bcs I failed horribly in the diagram analysis (39). I have a pure engineering background, meaning no economics, marketing, finance. Thus, it was really hard to summarize the given information quickly. I didnt even get to the last three tasks (out of ten). My scores in the first three bits are 80, 39, 70.

Also, similar to three posts above, my propensity for conflict is on 90%! I totally disagree. I know what I want but I am very much able to compromise and definitely never fight out of spite (which was said so in the detailed analysis).

Anyway, just wanted to get that out of my system. Maybe anyone feels similarly misjudged?

Best of luck for the interviews!


WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I was wondering... When assessing our results vs. other test takers, have they split engineers and business people?


WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I'm guessing its the relative comparison against the total cadidate pool for online assessment. Anyway, let's continue with updates concerning interview schedules.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hi Everyone,

I did bad in many sections. But I came to know that the selection process for the telephone interview may not be completely based on your online assessment score. It depends on your CV, positions available, company policy and so on. Moreover the results are not a complete indicator of who we are, some candidate would have prepared very well where as the others took the test just impromptu. It was the case for me. I have been out of university for quite a long time, apparently it was very difficult for me to get into the assessment mode.
For all who have done badly I would say lets not lose our hope and for all who have done better congrats. I would appreciate if somebody would lets us know if they receive an email for telephone interview by posting here. I am mostly thinking they woudl start sending the email by next week.

All the best

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I guess so, because I can't imagine that some of the profils are required for all positions whether its engineering or marketing etc.. Concerning the test results I am not quite sure on what they will give greater importance. e.g. the CV and test results, or just the test results for final selection process.
I would find it interesting to know for which positions y'all applied? In my case it was for marketing, bus. dev., communication.
Concerning the test results I am not quite sure on what they will give greater importance.
Good like to all.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center


I think we don't have the right to feel misjudged, because it was a self assessment. The results are based on our own self image. yes, I find it weird that my answers led to that high value of propensity for conflict when I do not see myself like that, but I am not the psychologist here :-P.

Now we just need to keep in mind these words from A. Dumas:

"...all human wisdom is contained in these two words: wait and hope"


WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

my report kind of offers a few contradictions in the evaluations.
according to it, im neither a team person nor do i like to work alone. which is really strange. i do remember the questions in the test concerning team work and i answered them always with a pretty high percentage.
also, it seems im prone to be highly innovative and have a high customer focus. of course, i haven't counted them, but i can't remember that many questions on innovation or customer focus. i think i remember two or three per area.
so, i don't take this test too serious. to me it's a pretty generic test that is difficult in it's structure. it is just very hard to put an exact percentage for an answer on traits that you don't think about doing anymore as they have become embedded into your life.
i do understand why they give it, but then again, i do believe they are not specific for the position you have applied. it's a general assumption of the traits a person, who took the test, could offer. and just because one can't read graphs or did horribly on the math test, doesn't necessarily mean one is inappropriate for the applied job. so maybe they do actually select the areas of the test according to the job profile and match them with their expectations.

i guess we will have to wait for their answers, as speculating about their evaluation of the test is senseless and a waste of time. i don't think they will contact everybody. we had to take this test so they could narrow down the amount of applications. i have no idea when they will get in contact with those who will proceed, but id say usually this process can take up to two weeks. if you have are within the scale of acceptable percentages, they will contact you.

as a last input id like to tell you to stop worrying. you have no clue as to how they evaluate the test. maybe the program you have applied for doesn't require any diagram reading or they are looking for someone with a high conflict potential. (if you read the definition of it, it tells you that you are either prone to address problems or tend not to. so a high 'conflict potential' doesn't necessarily mean that you are out looking for arguments or trouble. it just means that you are willing to solve it quickly through talking about the problems occurring).

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I guess so, because I can't imagine that some of the profils are required for all positions whether its engineering or marketing etc.. Concerning the test results I am not quite sure on what they will give greater importance. e.g. the CV and test results, or just the test results for final selection process.
I would find it interesting to know for which positions y'all applied? In my case it was for marketing, bus. dev., communication.
Concerning the test results I am not quite sure on what they will give greater importance.
Good like to all.


WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

The results are compared with the entire candidate pool, that's my assumption, it's very logical.

Lets keep posted on the interview schedules...

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I applied for Systems engineer, amd scored 90, 92,100 on the first 3 tests, I think its good enough


Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I got low score in Innovation too :(. I guess the other test takers are far more innovative.

People with PROGRESS experience: Please share your Interview experiences, those can be very helpful (and stress-relieving) at this time.

Good Luck everyone!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

has anyone received a response regarding interview invitations?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

hey everybody!

would you mind posting once you've received an invitation to a phone interview? also, it would be really neat, if you could share what program you have applied for once you've made it to the next round.

thanks & good luck.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I just received an e-mail saying I passed the OA and I will receive soon another e-mail to book an online interview. Apparently you need to do the interview while looking at a website (?).

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

received a mail about my successful passing of the online test today. according to the mail, we will receive the exact date of the interview in the next days

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hi there!

First: thanks to everyone who's sharing in here!

I applied for Systems Engineering and I received today my confirmation that I passed the online assessment. It explains the next steps of the process: phone interview (March) and 1.5days selection event (May and late June). For both steps, they assure they will confirm the dates "well in advance", and in the case of the phone interview we can even find another date if the proposed one doesn't suit us.

It would be great if someone experienced could give us some info regarding the phone interview.

Best of luck for you all!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hi all,

Just got an email saying that I passed the online assessment and will have a phone interview. Schedule of the interview will be sent later.
I applied for System Engineer position.

Does anyone what kind of questions would be asked during phone interview?

Thank you,

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hi All!

I got an email saying I was successful and soon I will receive an email with the date an time for the phone interview. :)


WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Responses of Phone Interviews are sent.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hi all,

Took and passed my online tests.
Received and invitation for the phone interview but no dates are defined as for now.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I got a letter today that I passed the online test and they would send a date with the telephone interview soon.

Any one else get it?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center


Has Anyone received a mail about being unsuccessful on the OA? Do they write to you if you are unsuccessful?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hi All,
I applied for Design, Development, Test and Validation positions. Did anyone apply for the same positions?

I received the same email. Does anyone know something about the content of the phone interview? Thanks in advance

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

It seems like only those who passed the tests received a response yesterday. I hope it is still not over for the others. I didn't get any response either...

Well, CONGRATS to all who passed the tests! And to the others like e, who are still waiting for a response... LET'S KEEP FAITH!!


WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

those who received a response reg. next steps, did you apply for engineering? or for other fields?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I'm still waiting for a response:/ dont know if its a bad sign not having received anything.

congrats to the others!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Did someone who applied for a business position get an answer?


Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center


I applied for Engineering and got a reply from EADS today that I passed the Online Assessment and they will contact me shortly for interview dates. Also, AC will be of 1.5 days duration and will be conducted somewhere in May and June.

And they want us to give and interview while watching some website link. Anybody has any idea what that is all about?

Good Luck to everyone!


Lounge Gast schrieb:

Hallo allerseits,

Ist jemand von euch zufällig derzeit im AC-Prozess von EADS
und kann ein wenig erzÄhlen wie es war?

Ich hatte heute mein Telefon-Interview, haben mir gesagt ich
krieg erst Ende März Bescheid, war das bei euch auch so ?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hello, did anyone apply for supply chain?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Were the phone interview invitations sent individually or to dozens of candidates at the same time?? (I was thinking that if we did not get it by now, we are as well busted)

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

somebody applied for Manufacturing Engineering and Manufacturing Management already got a response about the OA?

please let me know.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Congratulation Manav !
Can you give us the score you got at the web assessment ??

As I have no news I am not really optimistic...

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

got my date for the interview today - it's in the end of march, will take 40 minutes and a link is given which we should open at that time

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I got a new email giving me the date and time of my phone interview. It says it will last 40 minutes and I will need to access the internet. They gave me a link, its those Kienbaum e-diagnostics people again... do you know what its about? Bit unusual.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

i'm not quite sure, so i could be wrong. but maybe they are sending those invitations out in batches with regards to the programs people have applied for.
maybe the engineers receive their invitations first followed by people doing supply chain, hrm, marketing, etc.

but this is really just an idea. could be that people who have passed the ac already all have received the invitations. and all of the others (me included) will receive a thank you for your participation email later this week or next week...

as nothing is for sure, let's keep our hopes up...

good luck to everyone!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I received yesterday my confirmation that I had passed onto the next phase, and that I would receive an e-mail with the date of the phone interview. However, unlike other people, I still haven't received this second e-mail. Anyone else in this situation?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

For all those who received an interview invitation, could you write your subject areas, like engineering etc, this will give the rest of us a fair idea, because I also think that they are sending the invitations according to the domain that you applied for.

Thank you

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hi all,

congratulation for everybody who has already been up to this stage. In my opinion, and even if they use millions of "best" candidates to do their percentile as they said, this is somehow unfair. Well personally, I don't think they should deny or "bust" people just because of this test. As you can guess already, there is plenty of reason someone can succeed or not on this test. How about not feeling well, having a hard time to stay concentrated or maybe your friend or I don't know someone's taken the test for you... or you may have done that before for other companies (using the same HR-like test) and you are well prepared to nail the test.

I hope that they don't use only the test result to make their selection. But who knows, as we are loads of guys (and girls) applying, maybe it's just a tool who computes all the results and send the "good" ones to the HR (easier than spending 1min.x500000+ reading each single CV, it's not stupid at the end...) Well, if it's really the case, I'm feeling like I'm just a slave in this huge company... and look around you, all the successful guys haven't especially go through those "big" doors!

Anyway, I wanted to share my opinion on these OA tests. For me, the real challenge is not "school-based" test, but "real life-based" test^^
All the best!

"Applicant n°XxxxXXxxxXXxx"

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center


I applies for Information and Communication Technology (ICT). I got my date next Tuesday at 9:15 in the morning, and just wonder whether I am the first one? hehehe

Bless all,

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I agree with the poster 2 posts above, I took the test and scored:

Problem-solving capacity - standard (49)
H Diagram analysis (66)
H Reasoning (17)
Leadership motivation (reserved vs. dominant)
H Active pursuit of innovation (93)
H Outgoing nature (93)
H Team orientation (26)
H Customer service mentality (39)
H Propensity for conflict (92)
H Willingness to learn (87)

I applied to the sys eng division. As an engineering graduate who has scored 800 on the, I think that this test was not well set-up to really evaluate people.. for one thing the instructions for the symbolic digit-math problems weren't totally clear and left room for interpretation.

Good luck, I've heard it is partly just luck which will get you through the interview process. In the meantime I am starting my own company!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I got the 'you los, but thank you for playing' email... i scored 65, 65 and 93 in the first 3 tests. what did the people who got interviews score (for my own curiosity)?


WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I understand the disappointment of some, I got a rejection mail today. I have to recognize that at least EADS has taken the time to say Yes or No, other companies wont even give you a miligram of feedback. With a "No" , at least you can know its time to follow a "backup" career plan, which all think we all have and leave Eads behind.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I applied for Engineering Design and I received this morning that I will not have a phone interview...
The mail is obviously automatic, and there is nothing in it which can help us guessing how they choose the best candidates.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Dear Candidate,
Thank you for participating to the PROGRESS Online Assessments. We highly appreciate and value your efforts regarding your application to the PROGRESS Programme and we were impressed with your background and experience. Given the high standard and demanding criteria for our PROGRESS recruitment however, we are truly sorry to inform you that you were not selected for the next step of the recruitment process. This decision applies for PROGRESS but does not mean that your profile would not fit other direct entry vacancies within EADS we have today or may have in the near future.

EADS has a proactive policy and your profile will be put in our Talent Pool. You may be contacted if your profile fits with direct entry open roles.
If you do not wish to be contacted for direct entry positions, please let us know so that we can withdraw your application. You can of course in parallel look up our website www.eads.com to find more information about early career opportunities.
We would like to wish you every success in finding the career opportunity you strike towards and all the very best for your future professional development.
Yours sincerely.

Lounge Gast schrieb:

ich auch noch nicht...


Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hi all,
I just received a negative answer today. But I really did not understand what was their criteria. Because I had score higher than average. Could you share your online assessment test results (who already passed)? It can help us to understand what was the criteria more or less.

Thank you,
Good luck for all,


WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I'm applying for the Strategy, Sales & Marketing, Business Development, Communication stream. Got told of the phone interview Monday.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I got my rejection today.
My scores in the three main areas were quite low 60 45 20
The best of luck for the selected applicants!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I got my rejection today too and my scores were quite low /average within the first three sections.
Good luck to everyone who is still in the running game:)

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I got the rejection today, inspite of having an outstanding profile...what was the point!


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