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Assessment Center (AC)Airbus

EADS Progress Assessment Center


Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

also - meine bewerbung im bereich manufacturing a, 7.januar 2010 losgeschickt. kurz danach bekam ich einladung für e-assessment. seid dem nie wieder was von denen gehört.

also ich finde das schon ziemlich schwach!!!


WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Lounge Gast schrieb:

Congratulations to all the guys who got an email. Has anyone
who applied for Supply Management also got this email ???

Yes, I have received this e-mail for SCM about successful completion of preassessment . Applied 16th of january.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Has anyone been invitede to the assessment center yet?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I got this email:

Dear PROGRESS applicant,

We are pleased to inform you that after having successfully finished your telephone interview your application will now proceed to the next step of the evaluation process. We will match your individual profile with a concrete PROGRESS position(s) in one of the functional areas. This will take place after the end of the application period in March and we will keep you informed accordingly.
We would like to thank you for your participation and effort up to this point and ask for your patience until the end of the overall application period.

What could be the next step of the evaluation period? Is that the AC?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center


has anyone applied for IT and got a telefon interview or/and an invitation to the AC?


WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

The next step is the matching process followed by the AC, as stated in the e-mail.


Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

two days ago I finally received the results from the e-assessment. a bit late. hoping for further messages now ...


WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Has somebody received a invitation to AC with a concrete job discription and AC discription?

Thank you and Good Luck!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Telefoninterview

I've applied for IT on 21st of January and got only a confirmation that I successfully passed cv selection. Up to now I got nothing from them and they also ignore my emails... incredible...

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I havent recieved an invitation to an AC. I am assuming they are going to be sending out the invitations shortly, if anybody has emailed them and knows when they will be sending the invitations, please let us know.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Has somebody who applied for Engineering position got invitation to AC with a concrete job position?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Telefoninterview

hmm, I also think, this is a bit suspicious, because the AC for IT Positions take place fist end of April.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

If you are still waiting for a reply, the best you can do is email to the eads progress address asking for your current situation


Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

after questioning EADS what is the current status of my application they wrote:

"Thank you for your application to the PROGRESS programme and for your interest in EADS.
Because of the large number of applications, the process is delayed. However, no matter the answer, you will receive a letter as soon as we have a decision regarding your application."

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center


after contacting them, I got an e-mail with a potential position for me.

Best regards

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I got a potenial position as well but I am not very happy with it

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Meaning you got the invitation for AC?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I received three job descriptions (in Germany and France) in which I could express or deny my interest. I guess that at least one of them will be considered in further detail. But it explicitly was not an AC invitation yet.

Whatever, I already signed a contract at another company with a salary of >44 € grands, so I'm quiete relaxed whatever happenz...

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I was paired with a potential position however I am still not definatly invited to the AC, I will know if I am invited by the end of april. I am just wondering if anyone was given a choice between multiple positions. I was only paired with one position.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hm, I was also in the collective email-reply, but till now I haven't offered position and invitation for AC.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Anyone else know about his/her matching?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hi, has anyone else received the match from hr-dep?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center


I received an email with potenial positions too, but what have been offered to me is definitely not what I'm suiting for...Consequently i don't think the managers will accept my CV.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

yeah i got three suggestions

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I got only one potential position after contacting them, but I am also not happy with this position. It doesnt really match my profile. I asked them for another position and gave them specific field that match better my profile, but they told me that they can not offer me any other positions.

I really didn't know that it is possible to get more positions and to make a choice. why they didn't want to make me any othe offer?

To the people who got more than one position: Are the position in the same field or in different? Or maybe in different functional areas?

Thank you and Good Luck

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

What kind of position did you get? Did you confirm you interest with it?

Thank you

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

for mine, both positions are doing very different things. I believe they matched the jobs with your profile

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

what kind of job did you get?in which field?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Do somebody have information about how much is the salary per year for a trainee in engineering? Is it fix or it depends on the location?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Did any of you guys apply at the end of the application period. Because I have applied on the 27th of February and I only received an email on the 12th of march saying they are busy with it and that they will give information on the outcome asap. I have send 3 emails in which I ask, when they expect to know which candidates will be selected for the pre-assesment and they never replied. This is not how you treat possible future employees.... Friends of mine are having the same problem. How hard is it to reply on an email!!!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Are there more people that have not been contacted at ALL. I have applied at the 27th of February and have only received one email that they are busy with it and that they will contact me with the outcome asap. In the meantime I have send three emails asking when they will proceed to the online tests... And they don't respond at all. How hard is it to answer a simple email??? Or send an email that they are still reviewing your CV! Now I am waiting already 6 weeks without getting any inforamtion. Does anyone have a clue on what is going on. I have many friends that are having the same problem.

Lounge Gast schrieb:

Hallo allerseits,

Ist jemand von euch zufällig derzeit im AC-Prozess von EADS
und kann ein wenig erzÄhlen wie es war?

Ich hatte heute mein Telefon-Interview, haben mir gesagt ich
krieg erst Ende März Bescheid, war das bei euch auch so ?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Guys. I am waiting now for 6 weeks without getting any information on my application. I have send three emails to progress@eads.net but there is no response. I have a couple of friends that are experiencing the same. Does any of you guys experience the same problem. I have applied really late at the end of february. But still how hard is it to answer an email. Or give some indication on when candidates will be informed...

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I applied the 31 of December and applied for engineering and still have not heard from them. I took the online assessment and the phone interview.

Good luck to all!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

i believe if they did not reply to invite you for the online test means you did not get pass the pre-screening selection. They will not reply or email to indicate this decision. if im not wrong, the phone interview period is over.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Did somebody got a matching position or positions taht exactly fits to his profile?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

has somebody already got a concrete invitation to AC?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

That is quite weird. A friend of mine did indeed get an email that he was rejected before the online assesment and telephone interview. But other people I have spoken also haven't heard anything. And my and their application are in still 'in process'. By the way I think it very rude not to contact or even send a simple email saying you are not selected! Most companies also provide feedback!! A simple email saying you are rejected is the least they should do!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Same problem here! Apparently the problem appears that a late application does not qualify you for the job... is that the message?

Lounge Gast schrieb:

Guys. I am waiting now for 6 weeks without getting any
information on my application. I have send three emails to
progress@eads.net but there is no response. I have a couple
of friends that are experiencing the same. Does any of you
guys experience the same problem. I have applied really late
at the end of february. But still how hard is it to answer an
email. Or give some indication on when candidates will be

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Well another person. I have applied for a Support position at the 22. Feb, when the tool was not working. Only received a confirmation email and that's it. I have tried to get in contact with relevant people. No reply. I have not even taken the online assessment, but have not received a rejection either. I am very annoyed by know and am not sure if I not rather look for something else!!! If I am supposed to be a "high potential" or "talent" it might be the SMARTer decision!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I got also the same problem. I applied on the 28th. I guess it was then too late. I wrote an Email two weeks ago we the answer that they would notify me soon from the Out come. I'm still waiting.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I received the same email about the "concrete PROGRESS position" about 1 week after all you guys. My e-mail, however, did not have a list of other candidates the email went out to. I am guessing that the CC in stead of the BCC was just an honest mistake. I haven't been matched with a position yet, but I've applied to Engg. and the Selection Days (known as AC around here? Assessment Center?) are in about a month in May. I need a visa to travel to the interview, so I am a bit nervous about getting my things in order in time.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Has anyone else received an EADS/Progress Online Assessment Feedback Report? In the email it said:
Please read the reports carefully in order to improve your chances for future career opportunities not only with EADS but also with other companies. We greatly value your interest and the effort you have invested with us to date.

What is that suppose to tell me?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

wow now we have to wait till the end of april...it would have been much much easier if I had just applied directly to a position

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I got the "Online Assessment feedback report" as well as the "concrete Progress position" email. I think that the company that handled the online assessment sent it out to all the participants of the assessment. It looks like it doesn't have anything to do with selection for the next round. So relax! and best of luck!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I received a email saying there were no place matching with my profile... Find it quite surprising to put a dead line and then not to take the late application into consideration, well pretty disappointing!

Lounge Gast schrieb:

Same problem here! Apparently the problem appears that a late
application does not qualify you for the job... is that the

Lounge Gast schrieb:


WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I applied at the beginning of February, and had both the test and the phone interview. I received the email with the Online Assessment Feedback Report with no concrete info about whether I am invited to the AC. They have ignored my emails so far which is pretty annoying. I am applying for an engineering position. Does anybody known when the selection day for this is?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Look at the Website!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Has anybody got a concrete invitation to AC?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center


WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

did you apply for engineering or support functions?

Thank you

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

has anyone of you received a Eurocopter job suggestion? I am just wondering why they picked this position for me..

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Anyone get an invitation for engineering?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Whats up Guys and Girls??

Something new from the Progress HR?
Some invitation to Ac for Engineerig positions?

Thank you

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

its very quiet here so i guess nothing yet?
I haven't received anything from engineering too.
But I guess everything should come out next week since they stated end of april in the email..

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I wrote they guy responsible for the recruiting about what the status of my application is, and he replied that he already sent my profile to some of the managers, but none have replied with interest. Apparently the whole profile matching process goes on until July, so I might not know whether or not I will be invited for the AC for a long long time!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I got a position for Eurocopter in France. I would like to work in Germanz, but....

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I just received maybe exactly the same email as some of you that the selection process continues through July. "You would have received feedback earlier if you had not been successful. Now, as you are in the pool of candidates for matching it might still take a while no matter if you are finally selected for concrete positions or not."
This is getting to be a really long process.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

The job description I recieved was so vague, even after reading it I am still unsure wat the job entails. Were other job descriptions as vague or was it just mine?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

What kind of position in Eurocopter did you get?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

how do you mean that th whole profile matching process will take place until July. The AC for engineering for example is between 17-21 Mai and until then everybody who is invited should know his/her concrete position or I misunderstood sth??

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

did anyone get invited?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

On the EADS Progress site it says that interview are held in April, May and June depending on the function. I think this is only the second year of the programme. It could be that they changed it from last year. Like I said before, the guy I wrote said that there hasn't been a match yet and that the matching process goes on until July.
Referring to one of the previous posts, so if you havn't received any feedback it means that you haven't been refused by a manager??

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

where did you read that? Show me the link, please. I got an email that after the managers evaluation (yes or no interest for specific profile), the sucessfull cndidates who got a confirmation from the manager, will be invited for one or more ACs starting on End of April until 2. July. But when somebody has been invited to Ac, that means that the managers has confirmed interest in his/her profile.
because of that I think that we should get some feedback until end of the week!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

has somebody got already feedback for the managers evaluation?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

As it was mentioned above....

Has anybody (participant form previous years) an idea what is the general PROGRESS starting salary (Germany, France...other) ?

...that would be usefull to know

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Are they going to send invitations fot the AC this week?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

this application process is kind of annoying.. 2 months ago the telephone interview took place and still no feedback, nor an invitation nor a refusal.. nothing.. As I got an offer from another I accepted this one as it is an interesting job not knowing how EADS has decided or will decide.. it would be interesting to know how many participants they interview by telephone. seem to be hundreds of us ;-)

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I am slo interestig in the salary for such a trainee programm.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I got an offer last year: 35 Eur grands.
I refused becos it was not enough for me.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hello, May I know in which country were you offered a position?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

May I know in which country/city you were offered the position?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Really, 35 000 Euros per year?? It is really not so much, I think. Was it for an engineering position?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

For which country??? this seems extremely low...

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

in Toulouse, France with Airbus. in function Logistics

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

maybe this is normal for a trainee program. In Other trainee Programms the trainee get more money, e.g Daimler Chrysler appr. 43 000, eralier was 48 000 per year during the trainee program by daimler.

Maybe we have to be happy when we get a trainee place;-)

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center


did anyone applied for engineering and get invitation?
I had got email on around 8th april for 2 PROGRESS positions that i have to consider but still waiting for any confirmation from EADS.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

How mach tax do you need to pay in France? Toulouse seems to me very expensive city, 35000 a year is enough only for paying rent and eating :(

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

is anyone getting any ac invitation?, this is just riciculous. Its one thing to be late in replying but its another to not update the applicants.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I also think, this is horrable. Really not typical for a large company like EADS. I don't think that the Selection Days will take place on the dates that are published on the website.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

concerning salary levels: is there any possibility for negotiation? And how much is their offer for non-engineering positions?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hi all,
yes I got invited yesterday to the AC on 20th and 21th May for Engineering for only one position that I showed interest for. It is pretty much what I have applied for initially but the description of the job is still quite vague.
For the ones who did not get invited till now after that they showed interests in some positions, I think they keep your profile on the side to fill up the positions that could not be filled and you will be contacted only mid june for AC beginning of July...I think that they just give 10-15 days notice for the AC.
Anyway good luck to all!!!

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

i emailed them a few days ago regarding the 2 positions which i was applying for. they replied that i did not get selected for 1 of the position and the other is still pending the managers' feedback. she mentioned that did not get selected in the first round so i presume there are more than 1 round of selection for the AC.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I haven't received anything regarding positions I am being considered for. Is anyone else in the same boat or do you mostly have a list of positions that they have matched you with?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Are there people from engineering who still haven't got any AC invitation? I still have not been invited.....maybe I will not be invited, but at least I would like to be informed. I am really disappointed....

Are the dates for the engineering Selection days betwenn 17 Mai and 21 mai still upto date?


Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

yes, me the same - no result. only the information "we will inform you as soon as possible if we found a position for you"


WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I emailed them to check the status of my application and I was told that my application is on hold.. I think the people that are going to the ac between 17-21 of may have already been informed, i may be wrong though.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

from what i know, there should be selection days for engineering in june as well. though no dates have been released by eads

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Hello, some news from AC invitation maybe?

I wrote an email 2 days ago and I got the answer that until end of this week i they will know the feedback of the manager regarding my application. Unfortunatelly no feedback up to this point.

Somebody in the same boat? I don't know if I can hope for AC invitation (engineering). Are there more people from engineering who are already invited to AC between 17 Mai and 21 Mai?

Thank you and Good Luck

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Have somebody from engineering got new information from eads regarding the Selection Days? I still dont have invitation but also no refuse, what does this mean??

Thank you

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I am still waiting to hear from EADS for an engineering position. I hope to get a position. EADS is a good name however I have to let other companies and/or grad schools know soon. I just hope that the actually training is not this poorly organized. The last email I got was end of march, two months have passed. I wrote and email last Monday and still have not received any response. I wish you further good luck.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I got an email telling me that I was not selected in this step of the process. What does it mean this step?? They told my that the selection process will continue untilmmiddle of July

Somebody in the same boat?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I got the same email asking me to wait until the middle of July. I might not be able to wait that long before deciding on other options/offers, but seems like there's nothing we can do about it :S

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I also got a refuse by a manager


Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I got a refuse too - in the field of Production and Manufacturing.
This answer took nearly 6 months ;-)


WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

What did they told you exactly??Was a position that fits you profile??
Did they told you that they will keep you application in process??

In my case it was a position that didn't fit my profile. I thnik, this is very stupid selection. I mean we can positions offer from people from HR that does not have any idea what kind of position really fits our profile and then of course we get a refuse by the managers. Much better would be to have access to all open position in the functional area and then to make 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice, so we better know what is the best for us and later we can bring arguments.....like a typical direkt application for a position.

It is really sorry about the whole work that I spend in this application process until know, to get only one offer of position that is extremly different from what I did in my study and my interships.

This Selection Process is for my the BIGGEST BULLSHIT EVER!!!!

For my was it really waste of a lot of time

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Just 4 comments to your statement:

1) Such a rude criticism is neither appropriate nor justified. If you knew the importance and the impact of PROGRESS on the overall EADS organization (which you obviously don't), you wouldn't express such unqualified remarks. They have a really big workload, and for that purpose it is absolutely clear that this will take some time (or would you prefer to be rejected without you application being read???) . Sure I also regret that they do not give regular updates,but that is their decision because it's THEIR program.

2) If you decide to speak up and express such accusations, please do so in PROPER ENGLISH (or your native language if your english is not up to this).

3) Just as a matter of character: If you shout out such big words, why don't you have the nuts to sign them with your real name at the end.

4) The post you referred to is more tha a year old...

Alex Mrotzek

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

Has anyone completed an ac? If so could you share some of the things you were required to do?

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

I completed an AC a week ago. That same Friday I got the results.

The AC consisted of a group exercise divided in three sessions, followed by some speaches, a dinner, a personal interview and the final feedback. The three sessions were with the same "main group", but for one of them you had to divide into little sub-groups and discuss more specific aspects of the exercise. It was fun, challenging and very interesting.

The talks were regarding EADS, the PROGRESS program and what they expected from us.

During the dinner, the managers had the opportunity to talk with the candidates, and the next day there was an interview.

That, I think, is a good summary.

WiWi Gast

Re: EADS Progress Assessment Center

And have you been selected?



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