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Assessment Center (AC)Siemens

Re: Siemens Graduate Program

WiWi Gast

Re: Siemens Graduate Program

WiWi Gast schrieb am 28.07.2023:


Same here SEGP Manufacturing. The process is fucking ennoying…
Emailed the HR couple of times without any response…

WiWi Gast

Re: Siemens Graduate Program

Yeah the process is really annoying and the AC is pointless. Largest time waste of my life.

If you are interested they ask you a normal case where they give different information to each participant and after this it's a role play where they play bullshit roles. The point of the whole AC is to check if your personality fits into SGP, which is judges based on the feeling of the HR.

I was rejected, you should be really polite during the interview and not do not try to solve the thing. Be kind to the team and do it slowly. It seems like Siemens doesn't like fast paced people.

A bit background about me: Target University from UK and US. Top internship in FAANG and IB. Full score in all of categories of the online test. Applied to Siemens as my backup option.

WiWi Gast

Re: Siemens Graduate Program

Totally agree!

WiWi Gast schrieb am 31.07.2023:

Yeah the process is really annoying and the AC is pointless. Largest time waste of my life.

If you are interested they ask you a normal case where they give different information to each participant and after this it's a role play where they play bullshit roles. The point of the whole AC is to check if your personality fits into SGP, which is judges based on the feeling of the HR.

I was rejected, you should be really polite during the interview and not do not try to solve the thing. Be kind to the team and do it slowly. It seems like Siemens doesn't like fast paced people.

A bit background about me: Target University from UK and US. Top internship in FAANG and IB. Full score in all of categories of the online test. Applied to Siemens as my backup option.

WiWi Gast

Re: Siemens Graduate Program

Hey everyone,
for the ones that applied recently, how long did it take to get a first reply? Vielen Dank!

WiWi Gast

Re: Siemens Graduate Program

Around 7-10 days

WiWi Gast schrieb am 29.08.2023:

Hey everyone,
for the ones that applied recently, how long did it take to get a first reply? Vielen Dank!

WiWi Gast

Re: Siemens Graduate Program

Hey! Anyone in the process for SGP Healthineers? Can you give any hints on the time frame and steps?

WiWi Gast

Re: Siemens Graduate Program

Did anyone recently receive an invitation to the final AC?

WiWi Gast

Re: Siemens Graduate Program

Did someone recently got invited for Siemens Graduate program Online Assessment Center? Are activities based on technical questions?


Re: Siemens Graduate Program

Did anyone recently receive an invitation for Siemens graduate program AC which will be conducted online? Do they test you based on technical questions or the whole assessment center activities are based on personality tests?

WiWi Gast

Re: Siemens Graduate Program

Sehr Typisch. So viele leute Fragen nach Infos übers AC etc. keiner antwortet aber selbst geben sie auch null infos preis :D


Re: Siemens Graduate Program

Hat jemand für das Jahr 2024 (oder aufwärts) eine Meinung zum SGP, ob sich dies heutzutage noch lohnt und wie langfristige Auslandschancen damit stehen?

Bin momentan Werkstudent (Wirtschaftsinformatik B. Sc.) bei der Siemens AG im Bereich Smart Infrastructure, also eigentlich auch passender Bereich, aber wollte auch mal andere Meinungen dazu hören. Als Interner möchte ich einen Vergleich zwischen SGP und Direktübernahme bilden.

WiWi Gast

Re: Siemens Graduate Program

SGP ist besser als der Direkteinstieg aber bei weitem nicht mehr konkurrenzfähig zu den anderen top Programmen von Mercedes, Bosch und BMW. Nichts desto trotz natürlich ein richtig guter Einstieg (man vergleich auf hohem Niveau, schaff es erstmal überhaupt fest nach dem Studium in einen IGM Dax).

Für eine langfristige Karriere würde ich fast bei advanta anfangen wenn ich es entscheiden könnte. Das SGP ist halt bei weitem nicht so elitär wie die anderen 3 Programme. Ich glaube aktuell gibt es über 200 aktive SGPler und ich habe den Eindruck, dass in den letzten Jahren auch sehr viele diversity hirings aus dem Ausland kamen, die bei den anderen 3 nicht mal eine Einladung bekommen hätten.

Shoto schrieb am 23.04.2024:

Hat jemand für das Jahr 2024 (oder aufwärts) eine Meinung zum SGP, ob sich dies heutzutage noch lohnt und wie langfristige Auslandschancen damit stehen?

Bin momentan Werkstudent (Wirtschaftsinformatik B. Sc.) bei der Siemens AG im Bereich Smart Infrastructure, also eigentlich auch passender Bereich, aber wollte auch mal andere Meinungen dazu hören. Als Interner möchte ich einen Vergleich zwischen SGP und Direktübernahme bilden.


Re: Siemens Graduate Program

Hat sich jemand für die aktuellen Ausschreibungen (DI/Mobility) beworben & schon eine Rückmeldung?

WiWi Gast

Re: Siemens Graduate Program

TRG schrieb am 04.07.2024:

Hat sich jemand für die aktuellen Ausschreibungen (DI/Mobility) beworben & schon eine Rückmeldung?

Hab schon den Online-Test absolvieren müssen & bin im Moment in der internen Screening Phase.


Re: Siemens Graduate Program

Okay danke für dein Update, kannst uns ja mal auf dem laufenden halten. Habe noch nichts gehört

WiWi Gast schrieb am 07.07.2024:

TRG schrieb am 04.07.2024:

Hab schon den Online-Test absolvieren müssen & bin im Moment in der internen Screening Phase.

WiWi Gast

Re: Siemens Graduate Program

WiWi Gast schrieb am 07.07.2024:

TRG schrieb am 04.07.2024:

Hab schon den Online-Test absolvieren müssen & bin im Moment in der internen Screening Phase.

Does the online assessment give you a score and based on that you are invited to an interview?? I also just received it and was wondering how it goes on from this step onwards

WiWi Gast

Re: Siemens Graduate Program

How many days after the online assessment do we usually hear back from HR?


Re: Siemens Graduate Program

yes you will recieve a score and this will affect if you get into the next round. But i think they will also consider your cv/full package

WiWi Gast schrieb am 08.07.2024:

Does the online assessment give you a score and based on that you are invited to an interview?? I also just received it and was wondering how it goes on from this step onwards

WiWi Gast

Re: Siemens Graduate Program

Has anyone heard from them after completing the online test?

WiWi Gast

Re: Siemens Graduate Program

yes, about ne week later I got a mail saying i am in the "matchmaking" phase

WiWi Gast

Re: Siemens Graduate Program

WiWi Gast schrieb am 18.07.2024:

yes, about ne week later I got a mail saying i am in the "matchmaking" phase

what are the scores you would approx need to get in? what scores did you guys have? I'm super anxious bc I did my OA yesterday and scored 4s except for logical I scored 3 ("quite fast and extremely accurate answers") Reading through my working style assessment it seems to be quite a match with Siemens I believe

For the ones asking what the OA is like: I think you cannot really prepare for it as it just depends on your abilities and if you have slept, and eaten properly etc. just try to really concentrate and even for the numerical one there was nothing really to calculate but more like being able to derive the answers from the correct graphs etc. hope this helps a bit :)

WiWi Gast

Re: Siemens Graduate Program

Out of curiosity: What were the scores in the online assessment test you guys had? Because I did mine yesterday and I'm a bit anxious because I got 4s except for a 3 in logical (however "quite fast and extremely accurate"). I believe in terms of the working style it was quite a match with Siemens.

And regarding the Qs on the tests in general: I'd say it's nothing you can really practice for ultimately it comes down to your abilities and if you're quick as well as whether you have eaten and slept sufficiently etc. Just don't stress yourself out and try to really concentrate :) Regarding the numerical there's not a lot of math required for me it was more about being able to extract the right information from the correct graphs/ tables
hope that helps a bit!

WiWi Gast

Re: Siemens Graduate Program

WiWi Gast schrieb am 18.07.2024:

Yes, about one week later I got an email saying i was in the "matchmaking" phase

I also got a response for the matchmaking phase. I have 3s in all the assessments.

After this, does someone know how long it usually takes to be invited to the assessment center?

WiWi Gast

Re: Siemens Graduate Program

I wonder if someone still receives a "rejected" email directly after completing the online assessment test, or has anyone any idea about this probability?

WiWi Gast

Re: Siemens Graduate Program

WiWi Gast schrieb am 22.07.2024:

I wonder if someone still receives a "rejected" email directly after completing the online assessment test, or has anyone any idea about this probability?

Never heard about it. I think its just a mandatory assessment everyone has to give.

WiWi Gast

Re: Siemens Graduate Program

WiWi Gast schrieb am 19.07.2024:

WiWi Gast schrieb am 18.07.2024:

I also got a response for the matchmaking phase. I have 3s in all the assessments.

After this, does someone know how long it usually takes to be invited to the assessment center?

I completed the online assessment, and then about a week later (5 working days) I received an email saying my application was favourable and moved forward to a specific sector/department. I received two separate emails within 5 min addressing this update. After that, the status in my application portal was updated from "In Process (Recruiter)" to "In Process (Hiring Manager)". I am not sure if it was already a "matchmaking" phase, or should I expect the upcoming "matchmaking" phase, or what is your opinion?

WiWi Gast

Re: Siemens Graduate Program

A week after the online test, I received an email saying that my application is handled via a specific job family. It's been more than 2 weeks now since their last update. Has anyone received update on next steps from them?

WiWi Gast

Re: Siemens Graduate Program

BTW does anyone know how many SGP participants would be taken every year on average?


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Ein Besprechungsraum mit weißem Tisch, TV und mit grauen Stühlen.

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